This isĀ a little off topic for this blog, but it is, after all, a “recipe”.
On April 1, 2020 (in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic) the NY Times published an article on how to sew a cloth face mask.
I expect the
made sense when printed on tabloid sized paper, but they are difficult to review online and I completely failed at printing them on a home printer.
So I used added some annotations to the NYTimes version, then used Acrobat’s “print current view” (under Print > More Options) to convert the file to four landscape 8.5 x 11 pages, and then scanned those. The only tricky part is that step 3 is on page 3 when you might expect it to be at the top of the middle column on page 2. I’ll let someone else do the cut and paste to correct that.
- Printable PDF Instructions (use View > Rotate View if you want to see the pages right-side up before you print)
- Edited PDF if you want to make your own notes.